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Embrace Life Leader Training and Resources
Welcome to Embrace Life
Welcome from Amy Ford (4:33)
Welcome from the Groups Support Team (1:16)
App Navigation (0:20)
Using Intercom Support (0:36)
Leaders App Frequently Asked Questions
Viewing Digital Video Curriculum
Updating Your EG Leaders App (0:48)
Co-Leaders & Volunteers
How to Build a Team (2:13)
Leader Training Access (0:48)
Co-Leader Roles (1:53)
Volunteer Roles (1:17)
Quiz to determine Co-Leaders Roles
Inviting Group Participants
Finding Group Participants (2:04)
Inviting Group Participants (2:03)
Text Invitation Example
What to do if She Stops Communicating? (0:46)
Spanish Resources
Spanish Accomodations (1:01)
Spanish Logos
Spanish Editable Group Flyer
Marketing Resources
Promotional Materials (0:56)
Business Cards
Group Flyer
Group Announcement Example
Promotional Videos
Inspirational Video (1:03)
Group Announcement Video (0:50)
Social Media
Promoting Your Group (1:31)
Downloadable Graphics
Creating a Public Facebook Page (1:18)
Creating a Private Facebook Group (0:58)
Semester Planning
Gathering Donations (1:35)
Semester Schedule Example (0:58)
Embrace Life Icon with Start Date (0:05)
Embrace Life Icon with TBD/Awaiting Start Date (0:11)
Create Your New Embrace Life Semester (0:30)
Modifying Your Start Date (0:18)
QR Code Brave Girl Acknowledgement Form (0:34)
Viewing Brave Girl Profiles (0:11)
Tracking Salvation (0:15)
Review + Edit Participant Info (0:19)
Contacting Participants (0:32)
Deactivating a Participant (0:28)
Taking Attendance (0:48)
Submitting a Start Date (0:46)
Group Suggestions (2:19)
Classroom Order of Events (1:38)
Preparing for the First Class (1:16)
Encouragement Jar Scriptures
What to do when a Brave Girl quits coming to class (1:05)
Submitting End of Semester Reporting (1:18)
Viewing Past Groups (0:31)
Staying in Touch After the Semester has Ended (0:59)
Planning your next semester (0:57)
Share Your Story Giveaway
Challenging Situations
Challenging Situations (1:33)
Healthy Boundaries (2:14)
Supporting those who Believe in other Religions (1:45)
National Resources
National Directories
Freedom Ministry
Miscarriage/Infant Loss
Abortion Healing
Financial Resources
Career Resources
Mentoring Resources
Church Resources
NEW - Embrace Life Lesson Summaries
Curriculum Overview (1:09)
Week 1: Welcome to Embrace Life (2:38)
Week 2: Growing in Relationship with God (1:06)
Week 3: Learning How to Hear from God (0:45)
Week 4: Made to Worship (0:51)
Week 5: Cultivating Lasting Friendship (1:05)
Week 6: Healing from Sexual Trauma (0:50)
Week 7: Pursuing Christ (0:40)
Week 8: Co-Parenting and Your Blended Family (0:55)
Week 9: Creating Your Bucket List (0:42)
Week 10: Activating Your Gift of Grace (0:47)
Week 11: Parenting on Purpose (0:44)
Week 12: Receiving Your Identity in Christ (1:01)
Week 13: Navigating Seasons of Anxiety (1:16)
Week 14: Strategies for Financial Freedom (1:21)
Week 15: Understanding Childhood Emotional Neglect (0:55)
Week 16: Overcoming a Victim Mentality (0:59)
Week 17: Choosing Forgiveness (1:01)
Week 18: Uncovering the Secret to Rest (0:39)
Week 19: Developing Your Voice (0:45)
Week 20: Conclusion (1:14)
End of Semester Event (Optional)
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